Le 17/12/2015 23:28, Nathan Wilson a écrit :
Hi all,
There was talk on the mailing list a few months back, and was apparently discussed at CppCon in September, about becoming a Library Maintainer. This was pertaining to Libraries which are either being maintained by the CMT, or as Edward Diener mentioned, Libraries which aren't in the CMT's hands but the current maintainer(s) don't have time to devote to maintaining the particular library.
That said, after having discussed it with a few people outside the mailing list, I would like to volunteer to become a Maintainer of Boost's Iterator Library. I have not been active on Boost's mailing list, but have participated in the C++ Standardization Process with the paper Delimited Iterators (http://open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4257.html) which will be in the Library Technical Specification 2. I have also submitted/committed some Patches in Clang as well. I just wanted to mention those couple of things as a point of reference so this didn't seem entirely random. Anyway, I'd be really excited to help contribute and help Boost by becoming a Maintainer of the Iterator Library.
I do have some concern about compiling on various versions of Windows/OSX though. I have a Windows 8.1 machine and could obviously use Visual Studio, but I'm not too sure about verification of older Windows/OSX versions. On Linux I can certainly create VMs for various distros. If anyone has some best practices or advice about handling different OS distros/versions, that would be great.
Please let me know if there are any questions.
Hi, glad to see new people wanting to maintain an unmaintained library. I suggest you to lock at the tickets at https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&component=iterator&col=id&col=summary&col=type&col=changetime&desc=1&order=id Start by doing the follow up of them, there are surely some that are easy to fix. Add a comment when you want to take care of an issue. You can submit as many pull requests on github as you can. The CMT would take care of them if there is no active maintainer. This will give them enough information about your capacities and dedication. 3 months later you could request again to become an official maintainer showing what you have reached to manage. Good luck, Vicente