On 02-10-2013 00:54, Luke Bradford wrote:
I'm new to this list, so apologies for any oversights or faux pas.
I've been finding a lot of use for a type of smart pointer I call shared_ptr_nonnull, which is a variation on shared_ptr which is never allowed to be empty. Specifically:
(1) It doesn't have reset() with no arguments, doesn't have a default constructor, and doesn't have implicit conversion to bool (which would always be true.) (2) It throws an exception whenever there's an attempt to make it empty, i.e. in constructors, reset, assignment, and swap.
A few comments: a) swap would always work because both arguments must be non-null. b) this smart pointer cannot be moved (no move-assignment, no move-constructor). Otherwise, I have often had a use for such a smart pointer. -Thorsten