10.10.2013 20:43, Stephen Kelly пишет:
May be I just don't understand the current boost workflow. But as I can see the current workflow leads to the problems like the following:
You're quoting things out of context instead of linking to gmane where there would be context. Ok, here are the gmane links: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.user/79812 http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/243174 http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.user/79805
======================================== On 09.10.2013 3:12, Rich E wrote:
I'm seeing that Fusion has not been updated with fixes for #5010 https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5010#comment:24 a /3/ /year old(!)/ bug, that is reported as fixed. Why is this? From what I can tell, changeset #4441 https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/84441 fixes the issues I ran into, but the 1.55beta package doesn't reflect this... ========================================
What happened? Did someone commit the fix to trunk instead of release? If so, then maybe they made a mistake. If it was a mistake, then cherry-pick the commit. Done. No big deal. Mistakes happen. As I've understood, someone has forgotten to commit the working changeset to the release branch.
Tim Blechmann
writes: i've reported an issue before that boost.test in the release branch is pretty broken. *all* tests of the boost.heap testsuite segfault
======================================== On 03.08.2013 1:33, Gennadiy Rozental wrote: like this:
There were no changes in boost release for several years.
It is my understanding that the release branch should contain the boost 1.5.5 beta. With that understanding in mind, I can't understand this quoted sentence. What does it mean? If I've understood correctly, someone else has forgotten to put the working version of the boost.test to the release branch.
and following: ======================================== On 08.10.2013 12:50, Akira Takahashi wrote:
2013/10/8 Domagoj Saric
mailto:dsaritz@gmail.com> ... With MSVC12 RC: * 1.54 and 1.55 b1 RC - lots of: ..\boost/iterator/detail/__facade_iterator_category.hpp(__166) : error C2039: 'assert_not_arg' : is not a member of 'boost::mpl' This issue fixed by this commit. http://lists.boost.org/boost-commit/2013/05/46330.php
However, not merge to release branch yet. ========================================
What's the problem? If someone writes that it is not merged *yet*, then they intend to apply it to the release branch somehow, right? The problem is that developers are forgetting to copy working changesets to the release branch. This changeset has been made on the trunk before 1.54 was released.
Is merging trunk into release part of the boost release strategy? Yes and no. The individual changes are initially made on the trunk and have to be merged to the release branch after cycling the tests (but sometimes developers are forgetting to merge them). The whole trunk is never being merged to the release branch.
-- Best regards, Sergey Cheban