Source: http://github.com/glenfe/align Documentation: http://glenfe.com/align/doc/ Motivation: Tiny library to be used for all common alignment related chores found in a few Boost libraries. (e.g. we have some in Boost.Smart_Ptr). Provides: 1. Function boost::align, a pointer alignment function, for implementations that do not yet provide std::align. (Uses std::align if available) 2. Functions boost::aligned_alloc and boost::aligned_free, for aligned allocation and deallocation. (Use platform specific functions, such _aligned_malloc or posix_memalign, or otherwise uses std::malloc with the above boost::align) 3. Class template boost::aligned_allocator as a replacement for std::allocator that respects over-aligned types. (Up to the extent the implementation supports over-alignment) Many thanks to Peter Dimov for his feedback on the design and implementation of this library. Notes: Small enough that it might satisfy the requirements for a fast-track review. Glen