2016-12-09 19:47 GMT+03:00 Robert Ramey
As the author of a successful book on Boost and C++ https://www.amazon.com/Boost-C-Application-Development-Cookbook/dp/184951488... Should that be also available for people to just copy and and promote as their own work?
I would not object, if anyone will use that book for writing a better one or will use it in some other way in a derived work. However I'm not the one who can allow that, publishing agency "owns" the text (however the source codes are Boost licensed https://github.com/apolukhin/Boost-Cookbook-4880OS , you may freely reuse the code from examples). I would object if someone will copypaste it and change the author name to it's own. I'm easy to convince. Now my personal opinion is that copypasting Boost code and dropping the license may be tolerated, depending on the volume of the derived work. What are the volumes of copypasted code compared to the derived code? If 90% - let's do something, if 10% - I don't care. -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin