On 5/21/16 12:06 PM, M.A. van den Berg wrote:
If we want to break boost into smaller subsets then I would focus on modelling dependencies and versions and have an installer. This has been tried before -there are scripts that analyse boost inter-dependencies, there has been efforts to reduce these dependencies-. Dependencies could be made conditional (conditioned on assumed compiler capabilities), but I’ve never seen that (apt-get, npm, brew). It’ll probably easier to maintain various versions of libraries: one that requires C++14, another one that works with C++98 but with more boost dependencies that help fill the 98-14 gap.
Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting breaking boost into smaller subsets. I was suggesting that anyone who wants to create a smaller subset can freely create his own. Of course the result is the same. But the latter doesn't require any concessions or changes from Boost.
Personally I think allowing ...
Boost is a band with a reputation, it imposes requirement on libraries that help build that reputation.
A monolithic release is not an essential aspect for that ... I think that library deployment is question more or less orthogonal to other questions boost addresses. I think you're agreeing with me here. Actually, I'd prefer to see us just take a release on the master branch and let anyone who want's to "package" the release or any subset thereof. I'd like to see us get out of the distribution business entirely. Robert Ramey