Am 29.08.2015 10:15 nachm. schrieb "Thomas Heller"
: On 08/29/2015 02:05 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
On 28 Aug 2015 at 10:16, Thomas Heller wrote:
Where does error handling happen here? How would the user react to
errors? What does depends do (not really clear from the documentation)? How do I handle more than one "precondition"? How do I handle "preconditions" which have nothing to do with file I/O?
Which ultimately leads me to the question: Why not just let the user
All questions would have a simple answer then.
NB: I am still not sure what afio::future<>::then really implies, does it invalidate the future now? When will the continuation be executed, when
standard wait composure mechanisms and let the functions have arguments that they really operate on? the handler future is ready or when the "value" future is ready? What does that mean for my precondition?
Yet another problem I can't spin my head around... What is the result of "await af" where af is some afio::future<T>? The handle? Some T? How do I make a difference between a function really returning me a handle or one which just has the handle returned as a side effect?
It should return the same as would af.get(). Regards Hartmut ---------------