On 13 December 2017 at 10:03, Mark Incley via Boost
Yes, I am auto-linking. We build the Boost libraries with a batch file that runs essentially the following (it builds 64-bit and dynamically linked versions too, which I've left out for brevity)
bjam address-model=32 runtime-link=static toolset=msvc-14.1 -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% --stagedir=./stage/x86 --without-python
I used the following command (run from a VS2017 developer command prompt) with the test case:
cl /EHsc /MTd /I"C:\ThirdPartySDK\boost_1_66_0_rc1" BoostLinkerError.cpp -link /LIBPATH:"C:\ThirdPartySDK\boost_1_66_0_rc1\stage\x86\lib"
Thanks, I'm still installing the binaries so I haven't checked yet, but I'm pretty sure that this triggered the error: https://github.com/boostorg/timer/commit/98954984a4b55d01380bd8f18c884dc8519... I'm not sure if it's best to revert that change, or fix it in chrono. I'll start a new thread to get the attention of the library maintainers.