On 03/09/2016 08:43 AM, paul Fultz wrote:
...I guess people have different ways of learning a library. I wonder what is needed to be explained better in a initial overview of the library.
Please do not take it a a criticism of any kind. That's just an impression I've got. I could be way off the mark.. I often am... I read the docs... twice... well, I tried... :-) I was not able to find an answer to a nagging question -- why I might need the library? What does it do that the standard C++ does not? To me the Quick Start felt more like Quick Start to Confusion. :-) Literally I felt like the deeper into the docs I was going the more alarmed I was. "We can make it (the functor) behave like a regular function" In all honesty I don't think I ever had such a need. Usually IMO the conversion is the other way around -- a reg. function into a functor. I think it happens pretty much automatically. "if we construct the class as a global variable" Should I be excited about it? Globals are often a royal pain. Do I want to construct it a a global variable? | "BOOST_FIT_STATIC_FUNCTION" | A macro? For C++14? Really? And given you mention it about 20 times just in the Quick Start section it seems quite pivotal for the library... Should I be excited about it? Macros are often a royal pain... Wrapping functors and lambdas in a macro?.. seems like I need quite a bit of convincing I might want that. For a library to be accepted the user has to understand the purpose/value of it and to get excited about it. I did not get it. In fact, I got the opposite... but I a not the brightest "bulb" in the pack... V. ||