Paul A. Bristow wrote:
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Looks review-ready to me at a glance. Do you next need to find a someone to manage the review ?
Note that there is no reason that the review cannot start right now. I've been working on my www.blincubator.com just to address this situation. This would permit those who need the library right now to try it out and post their experience in anticipation of any review. That it - it is intended to "de-couple" the evaluation/information gathering aspect of the review from a specifice one/two week time frame.
I want to continue and enhance the www.blincubator site - I just need more incentive to get it moving up the heap.
I strongly agree with your suggestions, but worry that it is splintering from the Boost site.
The GITerization of Boost will change so much.
So I think we should get that under our belts before making any changes to the review process. Since authors will then be much more in charge of their destiny on *their* GIT repos, they can start to do the things you rightly say are needed to improve software and, especially, documentation, and the information available for reviews.
The boost review is the heart and soul of boost. I've designed www.blincubator.com to complement and strengthen this rather than replace it or diminish it in anyway. The boost review can be improved by having more and better reviews and a more people willing to be review managers. Previous efforts to achieve this haven't really addressed how we are going to do just this. I'm attempting to address this by a) providing an enhanced sandbox where users can review and install submissions before they have been reviewed. b) permitting these pre-review users an opportunity to post their review when they are evaluating the submission in when they are trying to use it rather than waiting for the formal review period. c) facilitating feedback to submission authors before formal review. Note that usage of www.blincubator.com doesn't change anything in the current formal review process or how anything gets added to boost. Hopefully, this will make the formal review a much easier process and motivate more people take on this very important task. Robert Ramey P.S. I would be pleased to hear via private email from any Wordpress/PHP gurus who would like to help me out on this. RR