On 1/23/21 7:38 AM, Andrey Semashev via Boost wrote:
On 1/23/21 3:47 PM, Tom Kent via Boost wrote:
I've got a couple raspberry pi 4's that are running tests (slowly, takes 20+hrs to run the test suite...any earlier models just didn't have enough ram). Look at the teeks99-05* (armv71/armhf) and teeks99-06* (aarch64).
I appreciate your and all other testers efforts in running the test suite, but I must confess that I pay almost no attention to the official test matrix these days because:
The boost test matrix is the most complete and reliable display of the current state of the the boost packages. I do run the more moder CI stuff, but it's often failing for some issue or another totally unrelated to my library. It's the gold standard as far as I'm concerned.
- No notifications of build/test failures or test completions. Having to manually visit the page from time to time is a problem, especially given the...
This bothers me not at all.
- Slow turnaround times. As I remember, for some testers the turnaround time was days and weeks. For others it was better, but still not as good as AppVeyor, which usually sends the notification in a few hours after the commit.
- Problematic debugging. Often the report shows a failure, but the error log is not accessible. This seems to be a long standing problem. This makes the whole testing process pointless, as I cannot do anything about the failures.
I have difficulties sifting through the test output on all platforms. (I've been roundly ridiculed for this complaint. But it means nothing to me - I wear their ridicule as a badge of honor.) I have my own solution which I run on my own machine - library_status which presents a table which is actually more useful to me than the official boost one not to mention the Appveyor one. Now If I could get library_status to run as part of the CI solutions ...
I wish the current testing infrastructure was replaced with something more modern, CI-style, as I don't believe the above issues will be fixed any time soon.
I've made a worthy proposal for that (to be used in addition to the current boost test matrix). Again, got a lot of ridicule on that one too.