On 2020-07-31 15:56, Andrey Semashev wrote:
Please, don't top-post. Our discussion guidelines are described here:
On 2020-07-31 13:06, 逸霖 杨 via Boost wrote:
Hi Andrey, Thanks for repaid response.
It is freeing the memory at last decrement, but not immediately.
It frees memory when all related objects’ reference count are decreased to zero.
Yes, it frees memory when the reference count becomes zero. But it *destroys* the object (i.e. calls its destructor) earlier, before the reference count is zero.
void Dispose() { if (this->_ptr != nullptr) { PTR* _ptr = this->_ptr; this->_ptr = nullptr; _ptr->~PTR();
^^^ here ^^^
RelRef(_ptr); } }
As above, dispose method calls its pointing object’s destructor, but not free that object with free(ptr) function,
After the destructor call, the object no longer exists, regardless of whether the memory it used to be placed in is freed or not.
Case 1:
struct A { unsigned int x = 0u;
~A() { x = 0xBAADF00D; } };
rcgc_shared_ptr< A > p1; { rcgc_shared_ptr< A > p2(new A()); p1 = p2; std::cout << p1->x << std::endl; } std::cout << p1->x << std::endl; // (1)
The above is a bug because (1) accesses the object A after its destruction. If A::x was, say a unique_ptr, it would be null or pointing to already freed memory.
Case 2 (which follows from Case 1)
struct B;
struct A { rcgc_shared_ptr< B > m_b; std::string m_x;
~A() { std::cout << m_b->m_x << std::endl; } };
struct B { rcgc_shared_ptr< A > m_a; std::string m_x;
~B() { std::cout << m_a->m_x << std::endl; } };
rcgc_shared_ptr< A > p(new A()); p->m_b.reset(new B()); p->m_b->m_a = p;
When p gets destroyed, it will destroy the object A, even though it is still referenced by B::m_a. When A::m_b is destroyed, it will call ~B, which will access A::m_x, which is already destroyed.
I should note that in the code samples above I'm ignoring the mismatch between `operator new` that is used to allocate objects and `std::free` that rcgc_shared_ptr uses to free memory. That is another bug, of course.
If you have Visual Studio and run the code which detects memory leak with #ifdef _WIN32 _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #endif
You will see no memory leak at all.
This check only shows that no memory is leaked. The problem here is not a memory leak but incorrect memory access (potential use-after-destory and use-after-free).