On 3/12/17 3:32 AM, Paul A. Bristow via Boost wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Robert Ramey via Boost Sent: 12 March 2017 05:37 To: boost@lists.boost.org Cc: Robert Ramey Subject: Re: [boost] [safe_numerics] Review <snip>
I do think this library might be much more useful with floating point support, if it is eventually added.
Want to voluteer?
I'm sure that floating point would end up a lot more complex than first meets the eye though.
"Die ganzen Zahlen hat der liebe Gott gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk."
Integers are made by the Good Lord, all others are man's work. -- Leopold Kronecker
Very clever and appropriate. Among the "others", we can count integers represented by computers. Since you've ventured off topic into "funny" incidents. Here's mine tl;dr; A number of years ago 2010? BoostCon (C++Now) was casting about for a keynote speaker. I suggested William Kahan (a professor of mine in 1970)- well known mathematician responsible for design of the 8087 floating point processor, IEEE784 standard and winner of the Turing award. I contacted the program committee. The first problem was that no on on the committee had heard of him. After a litte bit they suggested I feel him out about being keynote. I did so and he agreed. I informed the committee that he would do it. But they weren't convinced and kept him for a backup - while they settled on someone else. Which would have been OK except that they took way too long to decide and annoyed Dr. Kahan. Since I had put myself "out there" on this I was pretty pissed off. But the really interesting part of the story is how little computer programmers of today actually know or care about numbers. It shows up all over the place. It's up to a small group of insurgents (boost) to bring the world to it's senses. Robert Ramey