I am interested in MP11 and will submit a review before the end of the review period.
I want to make some comments in advance of this on some topics which I have not seen discussed already. These particularly relate to mp_quote_trait which I am finding very useful to adapt old C++03 code.
In my initial work using MP11 I found that the examples given in the documentation contained some features which are not C++11 but instead C++14 or later. As I am wanting to adapt code from C++03 it is not helpful to have things which do not compile with C++11 only.
I am particularly interested in code which works out return types for functions where the application can be polymorphic. The origins of much of this code are quite old now, originating with FC++ although there are more modern versions in Boost Phoenix. See for example http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/libs/phoenix/doc/html/phoenix/lazy_list...
One item in MP11 which I have found useful is mp_quote_trait. This seems to be a late addition to the code as it was not in the first version of the code I downloaded. One thing which was not clear to me in the documentation was how to use the resulting object. I looked for things with “q” in the name. The answer to this is mp_invoke which does not have a “q”.
using mp_q_common_type_t = mp_quote_traitstd::common_type;