On Mon, 5 Oct 2020 at 18:55, Robert Ramey via Boost
On 10/5/20 3:28 AM, Pranam Lashkari via Boost wrote:
On a related note, I know that these reviews and the review summary are
stored "permanently" "somewhere". I would like to see our boost library page include a pointer to these chains of posts. Ready access to this "historical" data would be very helpful to me as a potential user when I evaluate competing solutions to a problem that I might be having.
As Mateusz pointed we have some pointers on the review page[1].
This is not enough for me.
I want links to the email chains on the news feed.
TBH, I can't see it feasible to maintain lists of posts/threads. I see dates in the table. I go to https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2020/09/ I find relevant period/month and I get list of threads/links in neat chronological form presented: https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2020/09/ The only issue is to ask reviewers to use good subjects, e.g. [library][review] My Review
I also want link to the review results / commentary.
Link to review results announcement is there, click to it and access the follow-up posts. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net