В письме от среда, 3 ноября 2021 г. 19:53:47 MSK пользователь Peter Dimov via Boost написал:
В письме от среда, 3 ноября 2021 г. 18:07:43 MSK пользователь Peter Dimov via Boost написал:
It's not so simple because dependencies are gathered when generating the build variants (as they may depend on the current properties) and header-only libraries have none.
alias boost_foo : boost_bar ;
boost_foo has a dependency: boost_bar.
Yeah, you don't say. It has no build variants though because it doesn't build anything.
Maybe I misunderstood your point. There are no build variants for `alias` targets, but there are no build variants for `INTERFACE` targets either. And this actually can be used to tell apart header-only libraries and compiled in the generating rule. `lib` targets do produce variants which refer back to them, but `alias` targets do not.