which overlap with shared_ptr in functionality. -- Why just don’t read the code? I can not force you. But if we talk about something, we have to Base on something, not thinking or imagination or desire, Aren’t we?
-- Just stepping in for a second here. It looks here as if you are saying
On ma, 03. aug 17:24, 逸霖 杨 via Boost wrote: the people you're discussing your code with didn't read it. It is obvious to me that they did: they have raised excellent points and examples which could only ever be made with a good understanding of the code. It's natural that you would be feeling a bit of frustration since you came up with something you think is cool, but as you said, you cannot make others agree unless you address the problems they see. A completely off-topic note: I think c++-cli already has syntax extensions that make it possible to harness the CLR from the language. This includes COM types through interop. And you can mix/match with C++ standard memory model types as much as you wish. Regards, Seth