On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 11:29 PM Hadriel Kaplan via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Just thinking out of the box, and this may be a horrible idea, but… what if you created a new `boostorg-proposed` account on GitHub, where every proposed library gets moved into as a separate repo, before their review starts.
Then each individual review can be a GitHub issue for that, and comments to each review can be comments inside that review-issue.
People can then subscribe or not to the specific proposal repos for issues and changes.
And the reviews and their comments live in perpetuity (or as long as GitHub does I suppose).
If the proposal is accepted, then the repo is copied/cloned into `boostorg` as it is today, and a link is added to the readme.md pointing to that library's proposal repo for finding reviews and their comments.
The “infrastructure” aspect is then already in-place.
This makes sense to me if we are trying to avoid new infrastructure this can be the best idea, easy to maintain easy to search and everything at a place... -- Thank you, Pranam Lashkari, https://lpranam.github.io/