30 Aug
30 Aug
3:54 p.m.
On 8/30/2018 8:02 AM, Mike Dev via Boost wrote: > [snip] Looks generally good. A few things: > [Add some fluff here?] 1. No fluff. > - Problems that only manifest on not supported compilers [1] or in c++03 > mode will not block a release, and will probably not be fixed at all. 2. Just "will not block a release". No "probably not be" part. This announcement does not need to speculate on what individual library maintainers will do. Let users contact the library maintainers if they want that support. > As always, individual library maintainers are of course free to continue > their support of older language versions and compilers and we generally don't > expect the introduction of a lot of new c++11 code without a clear benefit. 3. This should also just end at the "free to continue their support of older language versions and compilers" part. No "and we generally don't" part. If a library maintainer wants to introduce new C++11 and break compatibility, the users should not be given avenue for complaint if they feel it is "without clear benefit". > However, many libraries may become incompatible with c++03 just by virtue of > depending on another library that previously supported 03 but now starts to > use c++11 features. 4. Drop this part entirely. If a library stops working in C++03 mode, it stops working. Users can contact the library maintainer and ask for them to support C++03. If Boost.X fails in C++03 mode because it depends on Boost.Y, the users don't need to care that the reason it fails is because of Boost.Y, their point of contact is Boost.X's library maintainer. > Obviously, this change will only effect libraries that have supported c++03 > before. Libraries that already supported compilers and/or newer language > versions are unaffected. 5. This seems obvious and not worth mentioning, but up to you. > If you want to continue to use boost in a project that has to stay compatible with > c++03, recommendation is to stick to the last release before the switch > (probably 1.72). 6. Drop this part too. Users who want to be on latest Boost because they use Boost.X C++11+ library and Boost.Y C++03-compatible library should feel equally encouraged to do. > [add some more fluff?] 7. Same as #1. No fluff. The rest is great. Glen