On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 4:22 AM Hans Dembinski via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
* Where are the immensely popular JSON Serialization libraries?
The reason is that some Boost libraries have been successfully cloned by outside people and the development is happening there. Boost.Python is replaced by pybind11 and Boost.Serialization by cereal.
The most obvious appeal of cereal is that it is C++11. Boost.Serialization has a lot of pre-C++11 code and is accordingly a bit difficult to work with. Both pybind11 and cereal jumped on the opportunity to rewrite popular Boost libraries in C++11.
cereal has a JSON archive. cereal also has 2.5k stars on Github, so it is dramatically popular.
I believe you're correct -- we moved to cereal for json serialization because it wasn't in Boost. In our case it gets extensive use to marshall objects in and out of Mongo databases, web service/socket requests, config files. Jeff