9 Jun
9 Jun
7:59 a.m.
Le 06/06/14 19:15, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Hi Lorenzo,
Do you see an easy way remove the cycle between LocalFunction and ScopedExit?
Best, Vcente
Lorenzo told me "So I'll move only the few macros that ScopeExit needs out of local_function/detail/preprocessor and put them in scope_exit.hpp. I'll leave the other macros needed by LocalFunction but not by ScopeExit in local_function/detail/preprocessor. I think that's best so scope_exit.hpp only defines the pp macros it needs, LocalFunction defines the additional macros it needs, ScopeExit no longer depends on LocalFunction, and LocalFunction will continue to depend on ScopeExit. " This will solve this cycle. Best, Vicente