On 5/14/2015 2:35 AM, Bjorn Reese wrote:
On 05/14/2015 02:31 AM, Edward Diener wrote:
I tried your program using the latest Boost.Test on the 'master' branch, and the result is the same for me. Perhaps this works for you with some previous release or perhaps this works for you with the 'develop' branch of Boost.Test.
Yes, I tested it with the develop branch and the 1.55 release. I have not tried the master branch (or the 1.58 release.)
I tried the current 'develop' branch of Boost.Test and still got the result reported in my OP. I can live with it, since the vast majority of the times I only need to see the BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE output when a test fails. But there is clearly something different in our environments when your result is different than mine. I wish I knew what it was, but it is not so important that I cannnot use BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE to trace through my code when something is wrong.