3 Jun
3 Jun
7:49 a.m.
Vicente J. Botet Escriba wrote:
template <> struct is_pod< blank > : true_type {};
This still breaks dispatch on mpl::true_/mpl::false_. The use case is:
void f( mpl::true_ ); void f( mpl::false_ );
struct X;
int main() { f( boost::is_something<X>() ); }
This is existing code, both inside and outside Boost.
I use this a lot. But it is really easy to fix if it breaks. But, can't Boost.Core include a integral_constant and boost.mpl just use that for false_type and true_type too?
Right, what's wrong with: namespace boost{ namespace mpl{ template bool<B> struct bool_; } namespace mpl{ using boost::core::bool_; }} The idea of artificially splitting up type_traits seems pretty abhorrent to be honest. John.