Hi! I've been doing some work on Boost.Range and have been ignoring complete failures from the following machines: teeks99* *jc-bell jasonr-Ubuntu13.04-intel-13.0.1 I'm concerned that the errors have been present for a couple of weeks. We are almost without MSVC coverage on the develop branch. I have taken to going off-process and after cycling the other platforms pushing to master to get coverage of MSVC. Of course I completely understand the difficulties balancing our busy schedules to devote time to Boost. This isn't a complaint. I wondered if there was already a plan to fix these and if there was anything I could do to help. Do we need more machines covering Microsoft compilers and platforms? Should we be approaching companies that use Boost with Microsoft that might be willing to donate some equipment and/or time? I don't think the risk is unacceptable at present since the new branching model means that at this stage of the schedule a hiccup on master can be quickly reverted without a total train wreck. I think we should probably get on top of this before we reach the final phase of the next release. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Regards, Neil Groves