On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Nat Goodspeed
I looked through the first page of the linked documentation, and I'm confused about how this is better than Boost.Signals2. The documentation uses the word "non-intrusive" a number of times without clarifying in what sense the existing Signals library is "intrusive."
See http://zajo.github.io/boost-synapse/questions_and_answers.html. In Synapse the emitter is simply a "meeting place": using emit<foo>(p) to emit the signal foo from the object p will call any functions that were connected by connect<foo>(p,f), where p is simply (the address of) any object (of any type whatsoever) you have in your program. For example, on Windows you could use Synapse signals to communicate messages from a WindowProc, by emitting signals directly from the HWND handle, as shown in this example: http://zajo.github.io/boost-synapse/handling_events_from_an_OS_message_pump..... Note that the WindowProc gets the HWND but there is no mechanism to pass in another object to be used specifically as an emitter. As another example, you could emit from a std FILE object, to communicate progress to a UI, as shown under "Emitting signals from objects of 3rd-party types" in http://zajo.github.io/boost-synapse/Tutorial.html. Emil