在 2013-5-2,上午3:34,legalize+jeeves@mail.xmission.com (Richard) 写道:
I think boost.multiprecision has a good example to follow: you specify a back-end as a template argument, where the backends can be an existing library or a boost licensed implementation. The boost licensed implementation needn't be as fast or memory efficient as the existing libraries, the emphasis should be on simplest implementation that can satisfy the backend requirements of the front end library, without beeing too slow or memory intensive.
Thanks for your helpful instruction! I'll look into boost.multiprecision to see how it solve this problem. But according to your explanation, boost still need its own xml library implementation. Am I correct? Currently, boost use rapidXML, a 3rd-party xml library, to read or write xml files. Then I think this project can be divided into two parts. 1. Define a good API and map it to some 3rd-party libraries such as libxml2. 2. Implement a simple xml library for boost. Sincerely, Mingchao