18 May
18 May
6:35 p.m.
On 03:57 Sun 17 May , Alex Marmer wrote:
Hello, I created a C++ framework RemoteCall which allows to use RPC the same way as local C++ calls are used. For declaration, implementation and call used macros: DECLARE_REMOTE, IMPLEMENT_REMOTE, CALL_REMOTE.Return and parameters (In and In/Out) can be any type except pointers. For instance: std::tuple
DECLARE_REMOTE(Test)(std::vectorstd::string& vInOut, const std::wstring& sIn). Implementation is on https://github.com/amarmer/RemoteCall Would it be useful to add this framework in Boost? Sincerely,Alex
Can you call member functions of objects as well (besides calling global functions)? Regards Hartmut --------------- http://boost-spirit.com http://stellar.cct.lsu.edu