On 2/15/16 3:55 PM, Daniel James wrote:
On 15 February 2016 at 23:47, Robert Ramey
wrote: I want to add a contributer to the serialization library - but I can't figure out how to do this on github.
You need to add them to your serialization team, which you didn't have permission to do, but should now as I've just made you 'team maintainer'. This is a new feature so it's hasn't been set for most teams. You need to go to https://github.com/orgs/boostorg/teams to see the teams you can access, there should be a serialization team. You won't be able to see most teams as they're set to be private.
OK - I got the the "add team member" screen. The person I want to add is on github but when I try to add him - it says he's not a member of this organization. So I'm guess I'm stuck again. Robert Ramey