On 8/14/15 7:40 AM, Michael Caisse wrote:
I've been one of the 3rd parties with no control, access, or keys that has been trying to nudge all of the in-the-know parties to get something done (via personal emails). We finally got to the point where the admin was responding but then the keys that were purchased were not SHA-2.
We left off with the group that can purchase the SHA-2 wildcard cert needed the admin to provide the CSR to do so.
This is all mind numbingly frustrating. I appreciate the sentiment of finding new hosting and we (Ciere) have already done that for some Boost assets. It also requires a level access to the old system that we don't have. We are actively working on a transition.
Meanwhile ... I'll start emailing again (o;
As "chair" of the meeting held at C++Now which addressed the subject of "Boost Web Presence" evolution and wrote up and posted on the steering committee list the meeting minutes, I would like to ratify the sentiment expressed above. news://gmane.org:119/0C3185AA-935A-4760-A45B-801FC88879DE@rrsd.com You've generously agreed to make available resources of your company to promote this agenda. I would have thought that getting the security certificate updated and trac updated would have been trivial and a good test of our ability to do anything to improve and modernize our web presence. Well, it looks like I'm wrong again. So while waiting for this get to get addressed, let's start moving on. The first step we agreed upon was for you to propose a "road map" about what our web presence should look like so that everyone can spitball it in the usual manner. We won't really reach a strong consensus on everything of course but there may be some ideas which come out of it and perhaps we'll avoid some dumb missteps. This exercise can proceed under a new topic - "boost web presence evolution" on either this list or another list - steering committee or user list. I'm thinking this list would be the best. Then you can proceed to do the work according to the boost "rule" - he who actually takes responsibility for doing the work get's to decide how to do it. Hopefully, by the time any actual work is ready to be launched - we'll have the access we need - if not - we'll find some other way to move forward. Robert Ramey