On 23/07/2014 11:19 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
For a data point, the approach in sqlate is to generate strings from the edsl and delegate the query handling to third party drivers (sqlate doesn't depend on Qt, but the test does)
If the interface of your library only creates strings, you can similarly allow users of it to use the Qt drivers, your drivers from somewhere separate, something else entirely, or whatever comes out of the ISO DB SG.
Hi Stephen, Thanks for this but, as with Karsten's suggestion, I don't think I could get away with it in my case, mainly because of the size of my DBMS-specific code (quince_sqlite and quince_postgresql), and the size of the interface between it and the core code (quince). The DBMS-specific code includes everything about the representation of basic types, the dialectal differences in SQL, the mechanics of sending commands "down the wire", interpreting the DBMS's response, and (in the case of quince_postgresql) buffering output. Regards, --- Michael