On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Niall Douglas
On 7 Jul 2014 at 1:50, Gottlob Frege wrote:
2013. The talk is called "Non-Allocating std::future/promise". I think most of it is about a... non-allocating future-promise. Hopefully. That was at least the idea.
Dear dear dear ... given that I was working at BlackBerry with you at the time, and went with you to C++ Now, I really don't know how I missed this.
I'm going to assume that I didn't miss this and instead choose to forget and then pretend that your idea was my idea. So, my apologies, and I'll credit you in the docs when the time comes.
In brief: - each has a pointer to the other - the result is stored in the future - if one moves or is destroyed, it is... tricky. But basically a CAS and a small spin lock in a rare case when you need to wait for the other side to update the pointer.
The problem with this is it isn't space optimal. Space optimal means storing the spinlock in the low bits of the memory pointer instead of wasting another four or eight bytes on it, which is what I've done. Performance is indeed impacted by a bit, but not that much - after all it's all the same cache line anyway.
I also didn't see lock backoff in your example code i.e. where both the promise and future are concurrently moved from different threads. Did I miss something?
Yes, replacing the spin and pointer updating with TM would be nice.
And here is where things become very interesting.
I started off assuming, as you would, that TM has two big wins:
1. You can update two or more disparate pointers atomically. Very handy for lock and wait free removal of items from linked lists.
2. You can skip locking where concurrent updating isn't a problem. How this works is you take care to volatile read from all those cache lines which if written to without locks would corrupt state, then you write as little as possible yourself.
Where I have made a mistake is in assuming that TM is free. It is not: Intel TSX HLE is significantly slower for the single threaded case, while TSX RTM is not free to configure. For a simple two pointer update, using RTM is slower than a spinlock for example. If you compile with transactional GCC, all your code becomes 40% slower so you don't win in performance there either.
Which suggests that TSX really needs a bigger chunk of transaction to make the overhead worth it, and hence why I thought I should write a TSX concurrent_unordered_map which, as I learned last night, runs at about 40% the single threaded performance of a spin locked unordered_map which is unacceptable. A split ordered list implementation using cmpxchg is twice quicker, but has the cost that erase is unsafe.
So back to the drawing board again. I'm now thinking of simplifying by requiring that the mapped type is a shared_ptr<T> and I'll see what sort of design that might yield. I am finding that using TM is repeatedly not worth it so far due to the costs on single theaded performance, far more frequently than I expected. Maybe the next Intel chip will improve TSX's overheads substantially.
I got the impression that writing in a transaction could be the expensive part, especially if it was contested (having to rollback, etc). However, if you entered a critical section for only reading, there would be less of a penalty since it never "dirtied" the cacheline. Have you tested that too (lots of readers few writers)? Intel's tbb::speculative_spin_rw_lock _really_ makes sure that atomic flag is on its own cacheline (padding everywhere), and acquiring the reader doesn't appear to do a write. Although, the single threaded performance has me thinking that I am mistaken; I feel like a novice despite reading so much about hardware memory barriers. Lee