On April 3, 2015 6:32:48 PM EDT, Edward Diener
On 4/3/2015 4:33 PM, Antony Polukhin wrote:
I've been slowly improving Boost.Variant for two last years to achieve result close to egg.variant. It is good that egg.variant exist and I'd like to see it in Boost. Two things disturb me: * egg.variant it requires a modern C++11 compiler in C+11 mode (Boost tries to stick to C++98)
This should not bother you. Boost should encourage programmers to write a library using the C++11 or C++14 standard if the domain of the library requires such use. It is always nice to have a library work with C++98 compilers but nothing should stand in the way of Boost libraries requiring C++11/C++14 compilers.
Boost does not try "to stick to C++98". If there's no hardship, we encourage _continued_ C++98/03 compatibility, but new libraries need not consider the older language. ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)