On 18 June 2016 at 01:57, Robert Ramey
I've attached an epub version of my "book".
You should be able to just click on it and have the apple book reader popup and then be able to read it.
The apple book reader has some interesting features.
a) the book looks pretty good considering I didn't have to put to much effort into the formatting etc.
b) For our purposes the best part is that you can easily annotate the book! There are three icons in the upper left corner. One to display the table of contents and other one for "notes" You can highlight text and add a note to it then save the book !. This is perfect as far as I'm concerned.
Please don't spend time "copy editing" it. The whole thing needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb with the idea of making the text more readable and clear, that the examples are in sync with the text, probably more narrative etc. etc. I'm really mostly concerned that the concepts are readable and explained to the target reader.
Since I discovered the notion of semiring I understand the my C++ type algebra fulfills all the requirements of a semiring. And there is a large list of theorms which apply to semirings. I don't intend to add too much to the section, at least for now. It is very interesting but but right not it doesn't yet have a practical application. I'm hoping that will change but for now I it's as far as I want to go with this. This section will also need some work as far at the math is concerned. There are some issues with the notion of an inverse of a type etc which are still not really finished. But for now I think I've got the concepts outlined.
It generates a book 60 pages long.
I tried to read this book using Readium (which is the OSS reader financed by the EPUB standard people). The code sections seem to either be cut or bleed in the page.