On 1/25/16 10:16 PM, Michael Marcin wrote:
Some months ago there was a lot of discussion regarding Rust style return values for non-exceptional error handling.
Did anything ever come of this? Is there a useable library?
Apologies if I missed an announcement (I've been away for a bit).
I confronted and addressed this problem in the Safe Numerics library. The data type is called "checked_result<R>". Although it was intended to be internal to the library, I did document and test it independently. One thing that turned out to be necessary in my application was that it be constexpr. I'm not entirely convinced that a general solution is desirable or even possible. It's a simple data type. But once you start using it you run into application specific issues such as should it be convertible, constexpr, etc., ... . On the other hand, if it is worthwhile, to standardize/libraryize/ etc it's going to entail a huge amount of bike sheding - as we've already had a taste of. Robert Ramey