On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Edward Diener via Boost
You are saying that a library that is supposed to be reviewed for inclusion in Boost is supposed to somehow work outside of Boost ? I do not think so and can't even begin to understand that sort of logic.
Speaking for my own library Beast, I have developed a following of users over the lifetime of the library and these users aren't cloning the Beast repository into boost/libs/beast. They are getting it from vcpkg, git-subtree or git-submodule into their own repository, or cloning it out-of-tree. It would be a poor experience if Beast did not build out-of-tree or if it required users to put files into their system provided Boost installation or to create their own Boost installation. It was stated somewhere that Boost reviewers like to see instances of libraries that are already being used in practice. A library can work out-of-tree or it can be unpopular - pick one.