On 10/20/2016 03:55 AM, Larry Evans wrote:
On 10/19/2016 11:59 PM, Michael Marcin wrote:
On 10/19/2016 7:32 AM, Larry Evans wrote:
Michael, the attached is an outline of how to do it. As noted in the comments, a lot of member functions still need implementation; however, the offset calculations I think are correct.
Code has been updated to implement most of the "essentials" of soa_block. You can now call begin<Index> to get the begin iterator for the Index'th vector.
The code now is on github at:
Still digesting this [snip]
One change I made to the vec_offsets function could lead to a problem in some very special application. You might think that you could, instead of:
, my_storage(new char[my_offsets.back()])
in the soa_block CTOR initialization list, you wanted to create a vector of vectors, or matrx, of soa's. Then you might think you could:
soa_impl(std::size_t a_row_size, std::size_t a_col_size) : my_row_size(a_row_size) , my_col_size(a_col_size) , my_offsets(vec_offsets
(my_row_size)) , my_storage(new char[my_offsets.back()*my_col_size]) { ... } However, you couldn't because the 2nd column of the matrix *might* not have the correct alignment. That's because, I changed the vec_offsets function by replacing, in the vec_offsets function, this:
result[sizeTs]=nxt_offset( result[sizeTs-1], sizes[sizeTs-1]*vec_size, max_align);
with this:
My justification for doing that was I assumed nobody would want to do that; however, who knows. Also, if I left in the original, and there was no need for it, then people reviewing the code would wonder why I put it in :(
I'll try to find some comments to put in the vec_offsets function to warn people of this unlikely problem.
Running the just uploaded test file: https://github.com/cppljevans/soa/blob/master/vec_offsets.test.cpp produces,, for the last test, the output: :vec_size=3:sizeof...(Ts)=2 sizeof...(Ts)=2 offset[0]=0 alignment[0]=16 aligned[0]=1 offset[1]=48 alignment[1]=4 aligned[1]=1 buf_size=84 max_alignment=16 max_aligned=0 buf_size+offset[0]=84 alignment[0]=16 aligned[0]=0 buf_size+offset[1]=132 alignment[1]=4 aligned[1]=1 Note the aligned[0]=0 line. This illustrates that when 2 buffers are concatenated, then the alignment for the first T in the 2nd buffer will not be correct. Hope that makes things clearer. -regards, Larry