Hello, We are having trouble building boost_dll version 1.61 with Intel compiler (version 17.0) on Windows with vs2015 (and other versions of visual studio). There's a problem because the macro configuration causes alias.hpp to use gnu-like syntax to specify section names: we don't support this syntax in our Windows compiler. Instead, we support "#pragma section" just like the Microsoft compiler. Alias.hpp would use the "correct" configuration for our Windows compiler "#if BOOST_COMP_MSVC" (reference the file boost/dll/alias.hpp) However, the file boost/predef/compiler/visualc.hpp sets BOOST_COMP_MSVC to BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_ZERO which is 0 I propose that alias.hpp could use BOOST_COMP_MSVC_BUILD instead of BOOST_COMP_MSVC. Does that seem reasonable? Thanks and regards, Melanie Blower (I work for Intel on the Intel C++ compiler)