Cem Bassoy wrote:
Hi Peter,
I have seen this thread too late. I am maintaining boost.ublas and I needed to reset the current ublas/develop branch although I am very pro introducing CMake. Your changes included a merge of master into develop which contained two commits with the same code changes.
The merge just synchronized your branches so that develop was ahead of master, instead of divergent. It resulted in no actual changes.
I still have your changes locally if we need to apply your changes urgently. Is it?
Right now Boost.uBlas is in a transition process where the old matrix and vector types and functions will be replaced by newer ones. We have already CMake files from a GSoC student which we are going to apply as soon as our transition stabilizes: https://github.com/BoostGSoC20/ublas/tree/feature/cmake
Your CMakeLists.txt file presumes that it's a root project, so if you adopt it as-is, it will be incompatible with the Boost-wide CMake infrastructure. My advice would be to adopt what I added, perhaps without the testing part at the end, and then add the above at the end, guarded by if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) # We're the root project