First of all, thank you so much to everyone who's responded, it's very much appreciated! To answer the various points raised: * Font Size: Yes the SVG's could be larger, in fact I think I changed the png dpi size a while back to make those larger, when probably I should have just changed the font size. In any case any difference in size between the two is a pure accident that depends on your screen's size and dpi, as the SVG's are scaled in "real" units where as the png's just show up at "whatever" size. * The missing png for the second beta() equation is my SNAFU - that line shouldn't have been in the table, likewise the first line of the table has it's formatting messed up because it should be a header, not content. * Marco thought the SVG's looked uglier - if that's the case then it's almost certainly a font-substitution issue on your platform/browser, as they look way nicer (and less fuzzy) here. Investigating the STIX webfonts is on my TODO list. * Slow page load: yes I know, sorry! Just dumped everything on one page to see if it would work. Real pages would have half a dozen svg's max. * Edward: SVG's are used the same way as PNG's in quickbook, with a [$myfile.svg]. * Clipping: yes, this is what I was afraid of - at least you didn't get scroll bars around every equation! I have no real control over the generated HTML BTW as it all comes from the docbook stylesheets. * Ellint24 and "?": this looks like something unsupported by SVGMath was used in the original MathML, I'll investigate. Thanks all! John.