Hi, I don't have time to comment further, and others seem to be expressing much the same thoughts that I have about this proposal, but there is one thing I have to mention: JeanHeyd Meneide wrote:
The rest of your review comments have already been addressed in the feature/boost.review branch and have been answered in other out_ptr threads.
Oh great, so this is another review where what we're supposed to be reviewing is a moving target? That's frustrating. I've not followed much of the discussion, really due to lack of time but I'll also claim that it allows me to form my own opinions without undue influence from what other people think - and now having read the documentation linked from the review announcement I hear that I should have been looking at another branch. Apart from the extra work that this causes for reviewers, it also is in danger of leading to "design by review". Rapidly re-designing something based on a jumble of feedback from multiple people in a short time is not a good way to produce the best solution to a problem, IMHO. Review managers (etc.), in future can we please just review what is submitted? Regards, Phil.