On 19:07 Tue 01 Mar , Niall Douglas wrote:
On 1 Mar 2016 at 12:13, Andreas Schäfer wrote:
IIRC last year Mozilla and the Linux Foundation were rejected. There's really nothing jaw dropping or outrageous about it.
It is deeply disappointing for those students and mentors affected. It is highly disruptive to the pipeline we are running, and is not a case of simply pressing Pause on GSoC for a year.
Looks like this is a case of mismatched expectations. I don't think it's healthy to build a pipeline on GSoC since it is, as we can see now, not a budget you can count on.
Many if not most of our students are postgrads, and next year they will no longer be eligible for GSoC.
Well? Next year there will be other students. That's the point of GSoC, right? To get fresh students interested in open source.
For a small org two slots can make a huge difference, for larger orgs not being accepted will generally not endanger the project itself. Google is simply trying to put the money where it has the biggest impact. I think that's a good thing.
Please take your trolling elsewhere. Nobody here appreciates it.
Niall, I assure you I'm certainly not trolling nor trying to aggravate anyone. I'm merely trying to offer an explanation for why it might be sensible to spread the funds, based on my own experience with GSoC. To give an example: I'm working with the STE||AR Group. Two years ago we were accepted for the first time and were allocated three slots. Doesn't seem to be much, but it made a huge difference for us, and me personally. In fact, the code that Christopher Bross wrote for me during GSoC 2014 became the basis for half a dozen further student projects and even my own, current research. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity I was presented with. The impact is different if a software project is already well established and is attracting lots of contributors beyond of GSoC. Nevertheless, I understand everyone affected by Boost being excluded this year is disappointed. That's perfectly reasonable. I can sympathise with both sides. BTW: one of my own project ideas for this year is related to Boost[1], and I'm sure there are other proposals like this. So in the long run Boost might benefit from GSoC'16 nevertheless? I for one sure hope so. Cheers -Andreas [1] https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx/wiki/GSoC-2016-Project-Ideas#extensione... -- ========================================================== Andreas Schäfer HPC and Grid Computing Department of Computer Science 3 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany +49 9131 85-27910 PGP/GPG key via keyserver http://www.libgeodecomp.org ========================================================== (\___/) (+'.'+) (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination!