On 12/20/13, 6:06 PM, Damien Buhl wrote:
On 12/19/2013 11:46 PM, Joel de Guzman wrote:
Thanks, Damien. I like the idea. Could you 1) try it out and 2) submit a patch (or pull request). It would also be super if you can add in the doc patch.
Hi Joel,
Thank you for the reply. :)
What I proposed as implementation in the first mail works without any problem for my simple structs, I use it in a small project in combination with Boost.Spirit.
It's however not so an elegant way of implementing it I believe (while I'm not a BOOST_PP_* expert).
I'll submit a pull-request on github in the next days, I'll add a doc and an example to that. We could then discuss of an eventual better way of implementing it.
I think I will also try to provide the equivalent for all the BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_* macros. But I'm not sure if it will be possible and makes sense for each one.
@Nathan Ridge: Thank you for taking notice of it. :) Did you already create the ticket ? I didn't find it on Boost Trac yet. Because I would put link to the pull-request on it as soon as I have my changes.
Wonderful! You can email me offline if you want to discuss things. Thank you very much! Regards, -- Joel de Guzman http://www.ciere.com http://boost-spirit.com http://www.cycfi.com/