On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 8:33 PM, Stefan Seefeld via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On 16.06.2017 19:44, David Sankel via Boost wrote:
Howdy all,
This is a request for comments on a possible path for migrating Boost's build system to CMake. I am not speaking for the Boost Program Committee here, but I plan on bringing this up with them after getting feedback.
So instead of substituting a tool, I would like to invite you to consider a few organizational changes. Notably, I would like to see the long-stalled modularization process to be picked up again and be continued (and completed ?).
The original modularization effort called for switching to CMake, but it was decided that switching to git would be a good first step. I do think that my proposal is in support of that effort. I'd comment more on your proposal for something else, but that seems out of scope for this thread.