On 4 December 2013 14:47, Beman Dawes
Strawman Proposal -------------------------
For Boost libraries where there is no library maintainer available, turn maintenance over to a "Community" team. Initially the team members would be volunteers who are already known as experienced maintainers or patch submitters. New volunteers for team membership would establish themselves by submitting patches and pull requests. At least to get things started, the release managers could OK requests for team membership.
We might seed the list of libraries being community maintained by contacting some current maintainers who have not been active for years. If we can't even contact the maintainer, that's an indication the library is a candidate for community maintenance. Patch submitters who haven't gotten any action can request a library be added to community maintenance. At least to get things started, the release managers could OK requests for community maintenance.
Just a thought, since Boost lives at GitHub: - "Community" team would be boost (at) lists.boost.org - patches and contributions received as Pull Requests at GitHub - "Community" reviews a PR at GitHub and the mailing list - once reviewed, a PR is voted on the mailing list and either accepted or rejected -- if accepted, a volunteer receives task to merge PR into develop A kind of system of micro reviews. Best regards, -- Mateusz Ĺoskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net