Le mardi 19 octobre 2021 à 04:33 +0300, Peter Dimov via Boost a écrit :
This is not what we want. We want a converting string_view that is called boost::string_view. The way to get it is to make a converting string_view so that we demonstrate the viability of the idea, then make boost::string_view be it.
From the discussion, what i understand is what you want ideally is an std::string_view for c++11/14.
(Before you suggest that the library should use boost::string_view under C++14 and std::string_view under C++17, note that this makes it impossible to build the library under C++14 and use it from C++17, which is a common scenario when using the system-provided Boost package.)
I'm sorry but i'm gonna raise that suggestion. While I agree it does not solve the general use case, it looks to me like an acceptable solution for boost.json. IIRC boost.json is advertised as a nearly header-only library, where you have to include an hpp file once in your project. So ABI mismatch should not hold there (by the way, i just checked that it is the way it is packaged on my debian stable, no binary for json is included). Maybe some #defines could be added to avoid some mismatches, or to force an ABI independantly from language level. Regards, Julien