On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 8:30 PM, Marshall Clow via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The release candidates for the second 1.68.0 beta release are now available at:
The release notes are not yet available. The updated documentation is not yet available. [ They will be available in a day or two. ]
== Changes since RC1: * version.hpp now has the correct version number in it. * Boost.Wave now builds on FreeBSD * Boost.ProgramOptions should now pass tests on msvc-10.0.
The SHA256 checksums are as follows:
961d2bdc74c1499c931b32098842abba8883b1a89ef5c8f8f0ab0aff771a3ce5 boost_1_68_0_b1_rc2.7z 0364846258648e39908ca7cebfc2d2216eef6980c32aaf8276d2cfe73ef012e3 boost_1_68_0_b1_rc2.tar.bz2 d99105685a68907a76b0479ecde77915423246236ef0db9cb846c5bfc09b41f3 boost_1_68_0_b1_rc2.tar.gz 6158e0e961bfb0d8adeb2ea70337b08504668258025f0a873fb21eee3436d22e boost_1_68_0_b1_rc2.zip
As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
Visual Studio builds look good. toolset arch compile Link Execute msvc-8.0 32 X X X msvc-8.0 64 X X X msvc-9.0 32 X X X msvc-9.0 64 X X X msvc-10.0 32 X X X msvc-10.0 64 X X X msvc-11.0 32 X X X msvc-11.0 64 X X X msvc-12.0 32 X X X msvc-12.0 64 X X X msvc-14.0 32 X X X msvc-14.0 64 X X X msvc-14.1 32 X X X msvc-14.1 64 X X X Compile means that the b2 command completed without errors Link means that visual studio was able to link a sample executable to a library (libboost_thread-vcXXX-mt[-gd]-1_XX.lib) generated Execute means that the linked program executed without errors. Full build log can be found here: https://gist.github.com/teeks99/3561de543e4613ada6378d18e712e8f9 Tom