בתאריך 30 ביוני 2017 9:57 אחה״צ, "Robert via Boost"
On 6/25/17 2:02 PM, Artyom Beilis via Boost wrote:
Hello Vinnie Falco,
I have several design questions regarding this library before the review.
Header Only Design ---------------------------
As somebody who worked with guys who do web development, it was very clear that compilation time is an issue.
A simple build of http_server_small.cpp example requires about 6s(!) of compilation time g++ 5.4 http_server_fast.cpp takes 7s
In comparison entire message board containing templates code flow SQL and more leads to only 4s - non paralel build. (https://github.com/artyom-beilis/cppcms/tree/master/example s/message_board )
I'm certainly missing something here. Why is compile time of 4-7 seconds any kind of issue? When would a web developer compile the library. Please expand on this as I'm not getting it all.
Robert Ramey
I too am missing something regarding compilation time. A C# asp.net web site takes roughly five seconds to, "Build." Then launching it within Visual Studio adds more time, coming up to around one minute and sometimes more, until the browser completes rendering the page. Robert You aren't compared to asp.net but to php/python/rails/nodejs that are the trendiest web development tools today. Even big projects start quite quickly with java / servlet And as a reference one of the simple examples provided compiles for about 30s ! If you multiply this by complexity of normal project the times become intolerable. Considering that beast does 1/100 of what others tools provide (even if in cool asio way) the price becomes too high. All it needed is to do classic OOD instead and you'll get much wider audience. With much better error reporting by the compiler, smaller code, and easier development, consider streight forward support of HTTP / https out of the box in some code. Doing temple based solution asio style for HTTP library IMHO is a design error. Artyom