On 11/04/2024 16:27, Artyom Beilis via Boost wrote:
I wish Boost was nearly as compatible as Qt. Seriously.
Qt has very good API compatibility between major releases and binary compatibility across entire major version. Boost is horrible in that.
It was one of the reasons I barely use Boost nowadays because you can never know when it breaks something.
I have experienced so many issues with compilation against different versions of boost (not in my code) that it is really a big problem.
Qt does amazing job in keeping ABI stable, boost can't even have barly stable API.
I don't instead. Forcing ABI compatibility created in C++ standard different issues, for example the performances of std::regex, or the existence of std::jthread. I mean, ABI compatibility is good, but in my opinion should be no more important that API compatibility or performance. If I'm developing a project, I use a specific version of Boost. If for some reason I need to update it, I simply rebuild the project; if API is compatible I need only to build the project without changing code, and it works, I don't care about ABI. Qt obtains the ABI compatility not because the layout of classes remain the same, but due to PIMPL idiom, that adds a lot of indirections, everywhere. This can be good for widgets, where the performance loss is negligible, but in some cases where performance is important, PIMPL impact can be noticeable, even if not important. I prefer performances over ABI compatibility in this case. Also, the compatilibity forces to do not update or refactor the interface of classes, making very big classes that can be refactored easily (I mean, look how many things QString does for example). My idea is that the library compatibility between different versions should be: - ABI compatiliby between patch versions (1.84.0 -> 1.84.1) - API compatility between minor versions (1.84.0 -> 1.85.0) - API can break between major versions (1.84.0 -> 2.0.0) This can ensure a good tradeoff between improvement of a library/framework and compatibility with existing code in my opinion. Daniele