On 24 September 2015 at 15:46, Beman Dawes
Because the purpose of the GSL is to use the C++ type system to annotate source code in a portable way so that a static analyzer can detect otherwise undetectable errors, the GSL is closely tied to the static analyzer, the best home for the library is under the direct control of the team (led by Neil MacIntosh) who are developing the static analyzer.
This scares me a bit as well. Way back when a warning was added to gcc for things that violated Scott Meyer's Effective C++ practices. As time went on, and the collective we got smarter, some of those practices got a bit outdated, but the warning never changed. I applaud the effort, but it's early days, and we just don't know whether it'll be a net positive or a net negative. -- Nevin ":-)" Liber mailto:nevin@eviloverlord.com (847) 691-1404