On 8/25/21 1:23 PM, Andrey Semashev wrote:
On 8/25/21 11:27 AM, Richard Hodges via Boost wrote:
There are a couple of convoluted ways to build cancellation into the linux resolve() activity. The problem is that the sockets and timers used for this are entirely embedded in the OS-shipped library layer and not accessible to user code. It's a bit of a mess that has never been cleaned up. There isn't much that Asio can do about it.
At present the "cleanest" way is to fork a child process to do the resolve call for you and async_wait on a pipe from that child. If you want to cancel it, send the child a SIGKILL which will result in the wait on the pipe completing with an error.
Ghastly I know...
On Linux, there is also getaddrinfo_a:
which allows to perform name resolution asynchronously, with cancellation. It's a GNU extension. I wonder if it can be incorporated into Boost.ASIO.
It seems, it's even been suggested before: https://github.com/chriskohlhoff/asio/issues/449